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A Powerful Tool for Blogging, Project or Content Management

WordPress is a powerful, user friendly content management platform for websites and blogs. WordPress is an Open Source project, which means there are hundreds of people all over the world working on it. HostSellers provides a simple point-and-click installer for WordPress with all SilverLite and higher hosting plans meaning you can be up and running with a professional content managed site within moments after signing up.

Our Wordpress Installer makes the setup process simple and keeps your version of Wordpress patched and up to date. You also have the option of performing a manual installation and maintaining your own patches and updates.

What is WordPress?
WordPress is a free and Open Source blogging tool and a dynamic content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It has many features including a plug-in architecture and a template system. WordPress is used by over 14.7% of Alexa Internet's "top 1 million" websites and as of August 2011 manages 22% of all new websites. WordPress is currently the most popular CMS in use on the Internet.

HostSellers includes WordPress Installer for FREE with all SilverLite hosting plans and higher.

Differences Between Automated Installer and Manual Self-Install
Automated Installer Manual Self-Install
Ideal for the Novice User Ideal for more Advanced and Pro Users
Simple Point and Click Installation Manual Installation using "Famous 5 Minutes Install" Guide
Beginner WP. No Themes. No Plugins. Just basic installation package. No expandability You install whatever theme and plugin you wish to expand your WP
Older, stable version of WP installed
Ability to install latest version of WP
We maintain security patches. Lessens likelihood of being hacked You maintain your own patches. If you miss a critical patch or upgrade you are more likely to be hacked
You can always move towards a self-installed, self-patched model  

Advantages to be gained by adding a WordPress blog to your website:
• People return to sites that are trusted providers of information;
• Keeping external stakeholders, such as valued customers, up-to-date;
• Direct people to specific areas of your site;
• Consistent location for news and information;
• Useful and fresh content, updated on your timeframe.

SIMPLICITY: WordPress is simple to setup and easy to use and it is available from right within WebsiteOS. Simply click the "Site Builders" option and "WordPress Installer". The easy-to-use wizard takes you through all the required steps of installing and configuring your MySQL Database and WordPress. Within minutes you will have an effective blog site that incorporates visually appealing design templates.

PERSONALIZE: Keep your visitors informed about updates to your blog through RSS and ATOM syndication, while automatically archiving previous posts for easy management and future reference.

CONTROL: The blog administrator has the authority to assign, approve or delete visitor comments before they are posted. It enables the blog owner to easily post updates and receive comments – content is renewed and kept fresh on your timeframe.

Themes: WordPress users may install and switch between themes. Themes allow users to change the look and functionality of a WordPress website or installation without altering the informational content. Themes may be installed by using the Wordpress "Dashboard" administration tool, or by uploading theme folders via FTP. The PHP and HTML code in themes can also be edited for more advanced customizations.
Plugins: One very popular feature of WordPress is its rich plugin architecture which allows users and developers to extend its abilities beyond the features that are part of the base install; WordPress has a database of over 18,000 plugins with purposes ranging from SEO to adding widgets.
Widgets: Widgets are small modules that offer users drag-and-drop sidebar content placement and implementation of many plugins' extended abilities. Widgets allow WordPress developers to add functionality to their sites. These small widgets can be used to add functionality such as a slideshow, Facebook-like box, small news slider, and more.

WordPress requires PHP and MySQL to install and run. Available on SilverLite hosting plans and higher.

HostSellers does not offer any training or assistance using WordPress. We offer the installer to make the setup process simpler for you. Users should maintain full backups of their public and database directories. We include phpMyAdmin in your control panel for the download and backup of your database folder. Please consult the documentation at the WordPress website for further use and instructions on their software.

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