
Spam Policy

Transmission of any material in violation of any Federal, Provincial or local regulation is prohibited within The United States, Canada and The United Kingdom.


At HOSTSELLERS.COM and its officers' discretion we reserve the right to revoke web hosting services at any time for abusive conduct on the system and/or the Internet and its resources as a whole. Sending spam (unsolicited Email) from a domain or about a domain is considered abuse of the system and will result in the termination of your account.

HOSTSELLERS.COM and its officers are deemed as authority to define abusive conduct to the system, and definitions may periodically change or be amended to previous ones.

It is well known that spamming (sending junk Email) generates a very negative response from most of its recipients. Since it is in everyone's best interest to avoid this, we enforce a strict Anti-Spamming Policy. Sending spam from your domain will result in the termination of your account. Our policy also includes unsolicited Email that directly relates to your domain but is sent from another source.

If you are intending to use these tactics for your domain, don't waste your time here, go somewhere else. If you are experiencing abuse regarding a domain that appears to be hosted here, please Email We are unable to personally answer each complaint, however we investigate all of them and shut down offenders immediately.

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