Virus Scanning
Email viruses continue to plague the Internet environment,
costing companies time and money fighting infection.
Some smaller businesses are left vulnerable to contamination,
as they are unable to afford protection powered by
large, established anti-virus solutions.
Cost concerns and fear of infection are no longer
an issue! Now there is a lower cost, yet just as
powerful, alternative: Our Virus Scanning solution is
a leader in Carrier-Grade Spam, Virus Filtering and
Phishing solutions.
HostSellers includes Anti-Virus
with all hosted Email solutions for FREE*.
Don’t let
your business remain vulnerable to email viruses,
launch Email Anti-Virus today and experience the
advantages of a powerful solution:
• Avoid the costs associated with computer viruses, including computer
repair, human resources and lost productivity;
• Save time by automating the virus scan process and employing one that
is proactive in detecting infection before it spreads;
• Protect the security and integrity of your system.
If you would like your system to be protected from
malicious viruses, and you want the service to be
powerful, reliable and easy to manage, then Email
Anti-Virus is your solution! HostSellers' bundled
Email Anti-Virus will protect your system from malicious
code and email viruses.
SIMPLE: It is effortless to setup
and easy to manage. Located conveniently in your
WebsiteOS under EasyMail, you can easily enable
and disable the service without having to call
your provider.
SECURE: Bundled Email Anti-Virus
is powerful since it is driven by a program
with a proven track record of protecting against
all known and unknown threats to your computer’s
PRO-ACTIVE: Protection is maintained
by virus experts, working around the clock to monitor
for new virus outbreaks and reacting to them in
the shortest time possible. The virus files are
updated hourly and more often if new virus threats
emerge demanding an update.
RELIABLE: Bundled Email Anti-virus
is meticulous and reliable. It scans every e-mail
message and attachment and detects, disinfects
and deletes malicious programs, such as mass-mailers,
worms, macro viruses and Trojan Horses.
*Pointing and Forwarding plans
are not included.
Please note that our Anti-Virus
solution is not meant as a substitute to your own
Anti-Virus software running on your own computer
or network. HostSellers does not guarantee 100%
protection from Email Viruses and we offer our
Anti-Virus solution for free as an added means
of protection, working in conjunction with your
own personal anti-virus solution.