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WebsiteOS - Management Features

File Restore
File Restore allows you to restore your website’s content from a series of time-based periods (one hour, one day, etc.).
It is highly recommend that you always keep local copies of their content, File Restore offers a convenient method for restoring it without having to use your local backups.

This application has the potential to overwrite existing files during a restore operation. To ensure the end-user is aware of this possibility, File Restore prompts the user to confirm the details of a restore operation before restoring content.

Database Manager
The Database Manager is a web based MySQL client that allows you to create and manipulate a maximum of two MySQL databases. If you require more than two databases then you may utilize a different type of database such as MS Access or MS SQL.

Database Manager is best used for creating databases and tables. For populating a database, users should consider using a script (PHP, ColdFusion) or CGI. It works by building SQL statements from the various options that you may choose. This application allows users to review the queries that have been created before execution. This is the reason for the "Build SQL Query" button. Viewing the Query gives you an opportunity to review the query before running it. Clicking the "Run SQL Query" button submits the query to the SQL server.

Database Manager is designed for advanced users. Knowledge of relational databases and SQL is required in order to use the Database Manager efficiently.

DNS Manager
DNS Manager allows you to edit your domain’s zone file, including A (address) records, CNAME (canonical name) records and MX (mail exchange) records.

In the default zone file, if you select “Edit Zone File” and click “Next,” your current zone file will be displayed at the top of the screen. By default, your zone file will contain several important records. Any changes to these records may cause serious problems with their website and email performance.

File Manager
The File Manager function allows you to take full control of your website files. It is a safe alternative to full shell access for sophisticated users. Users can copy, move, delete, rename and edit files, create and remove directories, change file permissions, and upload files from their local computer to the server.
File Manager is best used to manipulate files that have been previously uploaded to your website. To upload more than one file at a time, an FTP client is generally more efficient.

Site Checker
Site Checker is a tool that assists users to build and maintain their website by examining the entire site's integrity.

The Site Checker function allows users to:
• View the structure of their website
• Check their pages for broken links
• List links pointing to external sites
• View their website images
• Get a run-down of problems sorted by author
• Locate pages that may be slow to download
• Show new and old pages
• Show pages that have no title
• Show links that are not checked

Site Promoter
Site Promoter is a utility that gives users the ability to automatically send promotion material to select search engines to gain placement for their website in the search engine’s rankings.

Site Promoter submits the requests to the following search engines:
• Google
• AllTheWeb
• EntireWeb
• SplatSearch
• SurfGopher
• Subjex

Search engines work by matching criteria entered by a user with information contained in a database of Internet resources. These resources can be anything from Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) links to File Transfer Protocol (FTP) links to Newsgroup postings and references. Some search engines are more effective than others, due to the size of the resource database and the method in which it is queried.

Many search engines use “spiders” that roam the Internet looking for websites. These spiders crawl from page to page via hyperlinks, so the more sites that link to a user’s site, the more likely it is that the spiders will find the site and place it in their rankings. Other search engines use criteria such as the title, keyword, meta tags, word frequency in the document, and document length to determine the user’s listing.

Different search engines use different criteria to determine a website’s ranking in a search. The name of each search engine in the Site Promoter application is linked to the actual search engine website to help provide more information. There is no guarantee that any search engine will list a user’s site when using the Site Promoter application.

Site Promoter is a different tool from EasySiteOpmtimizer which is only available with Silver plans and higher.

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