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WebsiteOS - Security Features

FTP Manager
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a UNIX service that has become an essential feature of the Internet. FTP is a communications protocol that allows for easy, efficient, and accurate transfer of files from computer to computer across a network or, in this case, from an end user’s computer across the Internet to a webserver.

FTP manager is a function that allows users to control access to Directory-specific FTP and Anonymous FTP.

DIRECTORY-SPECIFIC FTP: allows users to give another person FTP access to a specified directory on their website. Using an FTP client, the external user will be able to upload files to and download files from the user’s computer. Users may grant FTP access to a specific directory for each external user. The external user will then have access to all directories that are located below the specified directory. An FTP user will not have access to any other part of their website or other applications within the WebsiteOS.

ANONYMOUS FTP: allows users to FTP to a specified directory anonymously. When Anonymous FTP is enabled, the system creates a non-FTP folder outside of /public. It also creates the username “anonymous”.

All popular FTP clients have an option to login to a server as anonymously and automatically set the username to “anonymous”. The password for this account must be in the form of an email address.

Secure Shell
Secure Shell, or SSH, is a UNIX-based command interface and protocol for securely accessing a remote computer. It is frequently used as a secure method to remotely access and manipulate files directly on a website.

SSH uses a "command-line" interface, similar to DOS. A command-line interface does not use a GUI (Graphical User Interface); instead, all commands are typed at a command prompt in a special terminal window

Website Security
Website Security is an application that restricts access to certain areas within the user’s website. These areas are protected by Hostname, IP address, or username and password.
A hostname is a unique name that would identify a computer through a network, and is known as site name. An IP Address is abbreviated for Internet Protocol, which identifies the sender and receiver of information across the Internet.

SSL Manager
SSL is abbreviated for Secure Sockets Layer. SSL works by using a private key to encrypt data that is transferred over the SSL connection. Many websites use the protocol to obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers. The convention of the secure URL is, https.

The SSL Manager application will help users set up SSL security for their website. This application will allow users to choose between using our generic SSL certificate, and creating one of their own.

The generic SSL certificate is a shared certificate that certifies that the specified area is a secured area. The URL for the generic SSL is A private SSL certificate can be purchased as well.

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